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POPL 2021
Sun 17 - Fri 22 January 2021 Online
Xiaodi Wu

Registered user since Fri 14 Oct 2016

Name:Xiaodi Wu

Xiaodi Wu is currently an assistant professor in the department of computer science and the institute for advanced computer studies at the University of Maryland, College Park. He is also a Fellow of the Joint Center for QuantumInformation and Computer Science (QuICS) between NIST and UMD. Wu works broadly on quantum computing from the computer science perspective and one of his active research areas is the intersection of quantum computing and programming languages. He is a recipient of NSF CAREER, CISE CRII, and AFOSR YIP awards, and a participant of multiple nation-wide collaborations on quantum computing research (e.g., DOE Quantum Science Center, AFOSR MURI on quantum programming languages). He has also co-organized the first international workshop on Programming Languages for quantum Computing (PLANQC) at POPL 2020 and served as a guest editor for ACM Transaction on Quantum Computing’s special issue on the techniques of programming languages, logic, and formal methods in quantum computing. 

Country:United States
Affiliation:University of Maryland, USA
Research interests:quantum applications in optimization and machine learning, formal methods and programming languages in quantum computing, quantum complexity, quantum cryptography


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